When is a writer not a writer?
I never meant to abandon my writing until one day late into my 30’s I realized that’s exactly what I had done. Maya Angelou’s poignant words come to mind, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
A seed of a poem took root inside me and after that, a longer story. It’s one I am still writing, every day I sit at the keyboard and transcribe inspiration into words.
After the loss of my high school writing mentor, I put down my pen for most of my twenties in pursuit of a different dream. I studied biology at Houghton College before my acceptance to Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine in 2002.
I grew up surrounded by artists in my family. Years of left-brained, analytical thinking in the medical profession took their toll on my creative psyche. In 2016, artistically starved and ready to resuscitate the inner artist I thought I had lost, I picked up my pen and wrote a poem. I haven’t stopped writing since.
A writer is always a writer. Our inner artist never leaves us.
I live in the South but I’m a Jersey girl at heart. I’m happiest reading a book with a hot cup of coffee in my hands. I love practicing yoga but have yet to master crow pose. Long rambles in the woods with my husband and my mini Australian Shepherd cultivate my inspiration.
My stories are fantasies, from supernatural and Gothic suspense, to magical realism, modern myth retellings, and folklore. Life can be overwhelming, and literature is our great escape. My hope is that, in my stories, you find a safe haven you can retreat to, if only for a short while.
Thank you for your support of my writing!